Pipeline Templates

You can always run your own pipeline scripts through the container, but the container also includes a set of predefined pipeline scripts that can be run as is or extended to your needs. Each pipeline script has a -h argument which will explain its use. The available pipelines are:

  • preprocess-phix

  • presto-abseq

  • presto-clontech

  • presto-clontech-umi

  • changeo-10x

  • changeo-igblast

  • tigger-genotype

  • shazam-threshold

  • changeo-clone

All template pipeline scripts can be found in /usr/local/bin.

PhiX cleaning pipeline

Removes reads from a sequence file that align against the PhiX174 reference genome.

Usage: preprocess-phix [OPTIONS]

FASTQ sequence file.


Directory containing phiX174 reference db. Defaults to /usr/local/share/phix.


Sample identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the input filename.


Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to a directory matching the sample identifier in the current working directory.


Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available cores.


This message.

Example: preprocess-phix

# Arguments

# Run pipeline in docker image
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    preprocess-phix -s $READS -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    preprocess-phix -s $READS -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC


The PhiX cleaning pipeline will convert the sequence headers to the pRESTO format. Thus, if the nophix output file is provided as input to the presto-abseq pipeline script you must pass the argument -x presto to presto-abseq, which will tell the script that the input headers are in pRESTO format (rather than the Illumina format).

NEBNext / AbSeq immune sequencing kit preprocessing pipeline

A start to finish pRESTO processing script for NEBNext / AbSeq immune sequencing data. An example for human BCR processing is shown below. Primer sequences are available from the Immcantation repository under protocols/AbSeq or inside the container under /usr/local/share/protocols/AbSeq. Mouse primers are not supplied. TCR V gene references can be specified with the flag -r /usr/local/share/igblast/fasta/imgt_human_tr_v.fasta.

Usage: presto-abseq [OPTIONS]

Read 1 FASTQ sequence file. Sequence beginning with the C-region or J-segment).


Read 2 FASTQ sequence file. Sequence beginning with the leader or V-segment).


Read 1 FASTA primer sequences. Defaults to /usr/local/share/protocols/AbSeq/AbSeq_R1_Human_IG_Primers.fasta.


Read 2 FASTA primer or template switch sequences. Defaults to /usr/local/share/protocols/AbSeq/AbSeq_R2_TS.fasta.


C-region FASTA sequences for the C-region internal to the primer. If unspecified internal C-region alignment is not performed.


V-segment reference file. Defaults to /usr/local/share/igblast/fasta/imgt_human_ig_v.fasta.


YAML file providing description fields for report generation.


Sample identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the read 1 filename.


Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to a directory matching the sample identifier in the current working directory.


The mate-pair coordinate format of the raw data. Defaults to illumina.


Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available cores.


This message.

One of the requirements for generating the report at the end of the pRESTO pipeline is a YAML file containing information about the data and processing. Valid fields are shown in the example sample.yaml below, although no fields are strictly required:


title: "pRESTO Report: CD27+ B cells from subject HD1"
author: "Your Name"
version: "0.5.4"
description: "Memory B cells (CD27+)."
sample: "HD1"
run: "ABC123"
date: "Today"

Example: presto-abseq

# Arguments

# Docker command
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    presto-abseq -1 $READS_R1 -2 $READS_R2 -y $YAML \

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    presto-abseq -1 $READS_R1 -2 $READS_R2 -y $YAML \

Takara Bio / Clontech SMARTer v1 immune sequencing kit preprocessing pipeline

A start to finish pRESTO processing script for Takara Bio / Clontech SMARTer v1 immune sequencing kit data. C-regions are assigned using the universal C-region primer sequences are available from the Immcantation repository under protocols/Universal or inside the container under /usr/local/share/protocols/Universal.

Usage: presto-clontech [OPTIONS]

Read 1 FASTQ sequence file. Sequence beginning with the C-region.


Read 2 FASTQ sequence file. Sequence beginning with the leader.


C-region reference sequences (reverse complemented). Defaults to /usr/local/share/protocols/Universal/Mouse_IG_CRegion_RC.fasta.


V-segment reference file. Defaults to /usr/local/share/igblast/fasta/imgt_mouse_ig_v.fasta.


YAML file providing description fields for report generation.


Sample identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the read 1 filename.


Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to a directory matching the sample identifier in the current working directory.


The mate-pair coordinate format of the raw data. Defaults to illumina.


Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available cores.


This message.

Example: presto-clontech

# Arguments

# Docker command
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    presto-clontech -1 $READS_R1 -2 $READS_R2 -j $CREGION -r $VREF \

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    presto-clontech -1 $READS_R1 -2 $READS_R2 -j $CREGION -r $VREF \

Takara Bio / Clontech SMARTer v2 (UMI) immune sequencing kit preprocessing pipeline

A start to finish pRESTO processing script for Takara Bio / Clontech SMARTer v2 immune sequencing kit data that includes UMIs. C-regions are assigned using the universal C-region primer sequences are available from the Immcantation repository under protocols/Universal or inside the container under /usr/local/share/protocols/Universal.

Usage: presto-clontech-umi [OPTIONS]

Read 1 FASTQ sequence file. Sequence beginning with the C-region.


Read 2 FASTQ sequence file. Sequence beginning with the leader.


C-region reference sequences (reverse complemented). Defaults to /usr/local/share/protocols/Universal/Human_IG_CRegion_RC.fasta.


V-segment reference file. Defaults to /usr/local/share/igblast/fasta/imgt_human_ig_v.fasta.


Sample identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the read 1 filename.


Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to a directory matching the sample identifier in the current working directory.


The mate-pair coordinate format of the raw data. Defaults to illumina.


Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available cores.


This message.

Example: presto-clontech-umi

# Arguments

# Docker command
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    presto-clontech-umi -1 $READS_R1 -2 $READS_R2 -j $CREGION -r $VREF \

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    presto-clontech-umi -1 $READS_R1 -2 $READS_R2 -j $CREGION -r $VREF \

10x Genomics V(D)J annotation pipeline

Assigns new annotations and infers clonal relationships to 10x Genomics single-cell V(D)J data output by Cell Ranger.

Usage: changeo-10x [OPTIONS]

FASTA or FASTQ sequence file.


10x Genomics cellranger-vdj contig annotation CSV file. Must corresponding with the FASTA/FASTQ input file (all, filtered or consensus).


Directory containing IMGT-gapped reference germlines. Defaults to /usr/local/share/germlines/imgt/[species name]/vdj.


Species name. One of human, mouse, rabbit, rat, or rhesus_monkey. Defaults to human.


Receptor type. One of ig or tr. Defaults to ig.


Distance threshold for clonal assignment. Specify “auto” for automatic detection. If unspecified, clonal assignment is not performed.


Distance model for clonal assignment. Defaults to the nucleotide Hamming distance model (ham).


IgBLAST IGDATA directory, which contains the IgBLAST database, optional_file and auxillary_data directories. Defaults to /usr/local/share/igblast.


Sample identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the sequence filename.


Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to a directory matching the sample identifier in the current working directory.


Output format. One of changeo or airr. Defaults to airr.


Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available cores.


Specify to allow partial alignments.


Specify to disable cleaning and compression of temporary files.


This message.

Example: changeo-10x

# Arguments

# Run pipeline in docker image
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    changeo-10x -s $READS -a $ANNOTATIONS -x $DIST -n $SAMPLE_NAME \
    -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    changeo-10x -s $READS -a $ANNOTATIONS -x $DIST -n $SAMPLE_NAME \
    -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

IgBLAST annotation pipeline

Performs V(D)J alignment using IgBLAST and post-processes the output into the Change-O data standard.

Usage: changeo-igblast [OPTIONS]

FASTA or FASTQ sequence file.


Directory containing IMGT-gapped reference germlines. Defaults to /usr/local/share/germlines/imgt/[species name]/vdj.


Species name. One of human, mouse, rabbit, rat, or rhesus_monkey. Defaults to human.


Receptor type. One of ig or tr. Defaults to ig.


IgBLAST IGDATA directory, which contains the IgBLAST database, optional_file and auxillary_data directories. Defaults to /usr/local/share/igblast.


Sample identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the sequence filename.


Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to a directory matching the sample identifier in the current working directory.


Output format. One of airr (default) or changeo. Defaults to airr.


Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available cores.


Specify to filter the output to only productive/functional sequences.


Specify to allow partial alignments.


Specify to disable cleaning and compression of temporary files.


This message.

Example: changeo-igblast

# Arguments

# Run pipeline in docker image
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    changeo-igblast -s $READS -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    changeo-igblast -s $READS -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

Genotyping pipeline

Infers V segment genotypes using TIgGER.

Usage: tigger-genotype [options]
-d DB, --db=DB

Change-O formatted TSV (TAB) file.

-r REF, --ref=REF

FASTA file containing IMGT-gapped V segment reference germlines. Defaults to /usr/local/share/germlines/imgt/human/vdj/imgt_human_IGHV.fasta.

-v VFIELD, --vfield=VFIELD

Name of the output field containing genotyped V assignments. Defaults to V_CALL_GENOTYPED.

-x MINSEQ, --minseq=MINSEQ

Minimum number of sequences in the mutation/coordinate range. Samples with insufficient sequences will be excluded. Defaults to 50.

-y MINGERM, --mingerm=MINGERM

Minimum number of sequences required to analyze a germline allele. Defaults to 200.

-n NAME, --name=NAME

Sample name or run identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the input filename.

-o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR

Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to the current working directory.

-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT

File format. One of ‘airr’ (default) or ‘changeo’.

-p NPROC, --nproc=NPROC

Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available processing units.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

Example: tigger-genotype

# Arguments

# Run pipeline in docker image
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    tigger-genotype -d $DB -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    tigger-genotype -d $DB -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

Clonal threshold inference pipeline

Performs automated detection of the clonal assignment threshold.

Usage: shazam-threshold [options]
-d DB, --db=DB

Tabulated data file, in Change-O (TAB) or AIRR format (TSV).

-m METHOD, --method=METHOD

Threshold inferrence to use. One of gmm, density, or none. If none, the distance-to-nearest distribution is plotted without threshold detection. Defaults to density.

-n NAME, --name=NAME

Sample name or run identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the input filename.

-o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR

Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to the current working directory.

-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT

File format. One of ‘airr’ (default) or ‘changeo’.

-p NPROC, --nproc=NPROC

Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available processing units.


Model to use for the gmm model. One of gamma-gamma, gamma-norm, norm-norm or norm-gamma. Defaults to gamma-gamma.


Number of distances to downsample the data to before threshold calculation. By default, subsampling is not performed.


Number of times to recalculate. Defaults to 1.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

Example: shazam-threshold

# Arguments

# Run pipeline in docker image
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    shazam-threshold -d $DB -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    shazam-threshold -d $DB -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

Clonal assignment pipeline

Assigns Ig sequences into clonally related lineages and builds full germline sequences.

Usage: changeo-clone [OPTIONS]

Change-O formatted TSV (TAB) file.


Distance threshold for clonal assignment.


Distance model for clonal assignment. Defaults to the nucleotide Hamming distance model (ham).


Directory containing IMGT-gapped reference germlines. Defaults to /usr/local/share/germlines/imgt/human/vdj.


Sample identifier which will be used as the output file prefix. Defaults to a truncated version of the input filename.


Output directory. Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to a directory matching the sample identifier in the current working directory.


Output format. One of airr (default) or changeo.


Number of subprocesses for multiprocessing tools. Defaults to the available cores.


Specify to clone the full data set. By default the data will be filtering to only productive/functional sequences.


Specify to disable cleaning and compression of temporary files.


This message.

Example: changeo-clone

# Arguments

# Run pipeline in docker image
docker run -v $DATA_DIR:/data:z immcantation/suite:4.3.0 \
    changeo-clone -d $DB -x $DIST -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC

# Singularity command
singularity exec -B $DATA_DIR:/data immcantation_suite-4.3.0.sif \
    changeo-clone -d $DB -x $DIST -n $SAMPLE_NAME -o $OUT_DIR -p $NPROC