Are you an Immcantation user and/or interested in adaptive immune receptor repertoire analysis?
Register now for the upcoming Immcantation Users Group Meeting! It will be held virtually on January 30th, 2025, from 10 to 1:30pm (ET). All talks will be from user-submitted abstracts.
Full information here:
Local Installation
Download & Installation
Installation for both the Python and R packages is performed in the usual manner.
To install pRESTO and Change-O from PyPI:
> pip3 install presto changeo --user
To install Alakazam, SHazaM, TIgGER, SCOPer and dowser from CRAN:
> R
> install.packages(c("alakazam", "shazam", "tigger", "scoper", "dowser"))
Alternatively, a complete installation of the Immcantation framework and its dependencies is available as a Docker container. Installation of the container is described in Docker Container Installation and Overview and basic usage is described in Using the Container.
Overview of B Cell Repertoire Analysis
Yaari and Kleinstein. Practical guidelines for B-cell receptor repertoire sequencing analysis. Genome Medicine. 7, 121 (2015). doi:10.1186/s13073-015-0243-2